Do You Want To GET The Most Free Traffic From?
Which of These Sites Do You Want to Get the Most FREE Traffic From?”
There’s an underground revolution hidden from your view which is going on right now…
These 8 sites:
1. Youtube
2. Dailymotion
3. Stumbleupon
4. Digg
5. Reddit
6. Propeller
7. Delicious
8. Mixx
Are driving HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of visitors and BILLIONS of page views every month.
Up until now it was only possible to get visitors from these sites through extraordinarily hard work.
So here’s what I’ve done for you:
I wanted to bring you the possibility of getting your quality content onto the front page of these top sites.
Quality content is the key. No Spam allowed!
To take out the massive time required if you did this on your own the TaggZilla community helps you get this free exposure in far less time than it would take without community help.
I spend about an hour per day voting, commenting on stories and wanted to drastically reduce the time ouput required of you while bringing all the big sites together in 1 place making it easy for you.
Hopefully, you can do this in under 10 minutes per day which would be a very good return on your investement of time. At first it may take you a bit longer but once you get good using the easy TaggZilla system it will be a breeze.
Here’s what community participation will do for you:
Quite simply TaggZilla gets you better exposure, moves you up the rankings so your content gets read and videos get viewed more often, improves your search rankings…
And possibly best of all gets you front page exposure on these big 8 sites which could mean thousands or even millions of FREE visitors to your website.
So, here’s what I want you to do next:
It’s very simple. You login, click on each of the 5 links shown inside the “Love Link” Box, vote up the quality stories and comment on them.
These are other community members stories you are giving an exposure boost to.
Then you copy and paste your link into the love link, submit it to the various sites you want it to go, and then other community members vote and comment on your story.
This can be done in under 10 minutes per day.